Get Involved!

Parents & Volunteers in our school are a very important part of our school community. We encourage parents to become involved in their child’s school life.  This can be through volunteering in classrooms with reading groups, Canteen, P&C and/or P&C events, and perhaps even helping on an excursion.

There are so many ways to be involved, big and small.

You can join the committee and have your say on the types of events that will be run, and how the P&C funds will be spent, and establishment of school policy and management.

You can help out at an event, like the Colour Run, disco or the Mother’s Day stall (maybe even run the event if you’re keen!) Just register your interest and come along. 😊

Canteen Volunteers

Both the Primary and Secondary canteens are always in need of volunteers to help with our growing customer base. No experience is needed as our friendly staff are available to guide and help you with any questions you may have.

You can volunteer one day, one hour, or once a year. Any time you can offer is always appreciated.
Some of the activities available are, but not limited to:
💛 Sticking labels on lunch bags 
💚 Baking our in-house snacks 
🖤 Packing lunch bags 
💛 Cleaning 
💚Cooking/preparing food orders 
🖤Serving students and staff 

*Woodcrest State College Canteens is an approved voluntary organisation for Centrelink. 

Student Volunteers

Both canteens are always in need of student volunteers to help with handing out items during both first and second breaks. This is a great opportunity for any student to gain some on the job training, help their school community and add a Certificate of Appreciation to their CV for the future.

Students who attend 15 times or more will receive a certificate.   
If you or your student would like to find out more about this opportunity, please ask them to see our friendly staff in their sub-school canteen.  

Woodcrest State College P&C believe in offering students a pathway to their future by offering school based traineeships. If you know a student who may be interested in these opportunities they can enquire with the schools pathways liaison or the retail manager in the secondary canteen.

P&C Committee

Recent research has shown the vital ingredient for a student’s engagement and learning is parental participation. Being involved in the education process is one of the best expressions of support you can give your child. It has the greatest impact on children’s engagement with schooling and educational success.

Being part of the P&C committee gives you an opportunity to participate in decision-making about allocating funds to best assist the school and students.

We run a number of events through the year including:

  • 🎁 Mothers and Fathers Day stalls
  • 🌈 Colour run
  • 🕺🏾 Dances
  • 🍕 Red food days
  • 📷 Family photo day

P&C Executive Committee

Each year the executive committee positions are vacated giving new people the opportunity to nominate for the positions. If you are interested in a position, you can talk to any of the current executive and find out what it’s like. The executive committee is voted in at the AGM.